Cancellation Policy
Due to the demand on our rehearsal spaces, we politely ask that whenever possible to give us notice of cancellation as soon as possible so we can offer the session to another band. For single bookings made by text, 48 hours is the minimum cancellation window - cancellations within 48 hours of the booked session will be charged the full price of the session. For block bookings/regular sessions we ask for 72 hours notice - this is due to these sessions being blocked out in our calendar for availability weekly, and so it is much harder to fill these sessions last minute. For bookings made online, the same 48 hour window applies for full cancellation fee. Between 48 hours and 72 hours, a refund will be offered with a small fee to cover the booking system costs (we lose money when we refund these sessions), unless the session can be rescheduled satisfactorily. Outside of 72 hours, a full refund can be made, although we prefer to reschedule these bookings whenever possible. All of the above is subject to the studio managers discretion. In the rare event of booking error, the studio manager will reach out to the affected party to organise a refund, reschedule or otherwise satisfactory outcome, again at the studio managers discretion.
Access and alarm
​Access codes are generated per day, are unique to each band and will be made available to you at least one hour prior to your arrival. The codes are time sensitive and are armed either 15 minutes before your session is due to start or at the time of your booking depending on daily schedule. They disarm 15 minutes after your session ends. The building alarm will arm five minutes after the last bookings door code has expired, so we ask that you are out of the building at this time. If you have any problems with access, the studio manager is on call to manage the codes and calls can be made on our free WiFi if you have little signal. We politely ask the last band or musician of the night to padlock the front doors.
Studio manager call out
The studio manager is available for contact throughout your booking by text and in case of emergency, lock out or session halting issue directly by phone on 07882569425. Please note that while the studio manager can often be at the studio within ten minutes depending on other work commitments, call outs are only in case of genuine need and most questions and issues should be able to be resolved remotely.
Paying for your session
​We offer a range of methods to pay for your session for your convenience. Online Booking charges the fee up front to make the booking, whereas block/regular bookings and bookings made by text/e-mail need to be paid by other methods. We accept BACS transfer, PayPal or cash for these bookings, and direct debit is acceptable for regular booking slots. We ask that, unless other arrangements have been made directly with the studio manager, these payments are made on the day of your booking and at the latest by the day after your booking. We reserve the right to request payment in advance to secure the booking for customers who frequently delay payment.
Time used/Time paid for
We do ask that you pay for the time you book. If you decide that you only need two hours but have booked four hours, we ask that you pay for the time you have booked instead of the time you have used. This is to avoid other customers missing out on unused time slots. We would also like to politely remind customers that set up and pack down time for your equipment should be included in the time that you book and not be extra time before and/or after your session has finished. The studio manager reserves the right to charge for additional time used beyond reasonable limits outside of your booked time slot.
Room choice
​We try to be as flexible as possible and honour your choice of room at booking if available, but we also reserve the right to change your allocated room with fair notice – this is for a number of reasons, from unplanned emergencies through to being able to allocate the rooms fairly based on the size of the band and levels of equipment being loaded in. This decision is final, unless a legitimate mistake has been made by the studio staff or if an easy swap is available due to a vacant room or late cancellation.
We politely ask that all customers treat the studio equipment with due care and respect, and reserve the right to charge a repair fee should evidence be found of genuine misuse. Please note though that you will never be charged for gear breaking down of its own accord due to wear and tear, and we would ask all customers to report any issues with the studio equipment immediately. We also ask that equipment is not moved between the rooms without first clearing it with the studio manager. This is to ensure that all musicians have access to the right equipment when they arrive – each room has a minimum equipment list that must be maintained. We would also politely ask all bands to leave the PA rack where it is situated next to the wall and to not unplug anything from it. Any issues or questions about the PA should be put directly to the studio manager, please do not attempt to rewire the rack system yourselves. This is to stop faults and damage developing, and to ensure the correct functioning of the system for following bands. Please note that we operate a zero tolerance policy on theft of any kind and anyone caught will be banned.
We operate CCTV on site for both security reasons and as part of the operation of the recording studio. All data is stored in accordance with GDPR and government guidelines on the use of CCTV. We reserve the right to ban people from using the studios if the cameras are blocked or in any way tampered with. Please note that these cameras are rarely viewed live and always with a legitimate reason. Any concerns about the use of CCTV can be directed to the studio manager.
Booking Times
Please note that our sessions start only on the hour and the room can be booked out for a minimum of an hour, we do not accept bookings in half hourly intervals. Our official opening times are 8am – 12am and we do not accept bookings outside of these times without prior arrangement. The room must be clear and ready for the next band by the end of your booking slot (see TIME USED/TIME PAID FOR). This is subject to the studio managers discretion.
Care of studio space
We politely ask that the rooms and spaces are left as you find them when you arrive for your session, and that all rubbish is deposited in the bins provided. This is to help keep the studio clean and tidy, and as a courtesy to any other musicians who may use the space after you on that day. We will ensure that the rooms are clean and tidy each day for the booked sessions and are deep cleaned once a week. Please note smoking/vaping in the rooms is not permitted and we do not allow illegal substances on site in accordance with the law.
leaving equipment in studio
You are welcome to leave equipment in the studio or arrange for temporary storage with the studio manager if available. Please note that any equipment left unattended is at your own risk and the studio accepts no liability for the equipment. If you need to collect your equipment, we will require notice to open the rooms before collection. Overnight lock ups for multiple day sessions are available at the studio managers discretion.
​We respectfully ask that vehicles are parked sensibly to maximise space outside the studios for other customers and to ensure the safe passage of farm vehicles through the site. Overspill parking is available to the left of the JAG warehouse directly opposite the studios. Please note that all vehicles and items left in vehicles are at your own risk, and the studio accepts no liability or responsibility for them.